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Makeup Storage...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Being super dorky I use two old card catalog cabinets* to store all of my makeup. It makes storage and separation really easy and I always know where various things are, unless my sister has taken something from it.

The double cabinet contains my everyday makeup, while the fifteen draw cabinet contains various makeup/grooming odds and ends. I store my makeup brushes in a glass container with glass beads inside of it and my makeup palettes are held up in a letter holder. For the time being my nail polish collection is being stored in three plastic boxes separated by brand (mainly OPI, Orly and China Glaze) with some additional brands mixed in.

* I bought both card catalog cabinets from the library that I work at. They were the only two surviving cabinets left in the building.

I purchased all items mentioned with my own money. My opinions have not been sponsored or solicited by anyone, but if you wanna send me free stuff I'd totally take it, try it & give you my honest opinion of it.