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Monday, April 4, 2011

My friend Christina just sent me an invitation to HauteLook®, so I thought I'd share for those of you that may not know about the site.

What is HauteLook®?
A leader in online retail, HauteLook brings the thrill back to shopping through 48-hour sale events with the world's top fashion, accessories, beauty, kids and home brands. Each day, HauteLook offers discounts of 50 to 75 percent off to millions of members in the U.S. and Canada. Membership is free to join and everyone is welcome.*

HauteLook® is an excellent alternative for those who are unable to get an invitation to Rue La La® seeing as it is open to everyone unlike the latter. I haven't actually bought anything yet, but when I do I'll be sure to post about it.

* = This description is from the HauteLook® website.